
CHUGGINGTON TRAINTASTIC LAPTOP Wilson Vtech - Unboxing Demo Review || Keiths Toy Box

2017-09-23 309 Dailymotion

Its training time! Have fun learning letters and numbers with the Chuggington Traintastic Laptop by Vtech! This beautiful looking laptop has 40 ivities in 5 categories. It helps teach letters, numbers, shapes, logic, and memory. Choose a category by turning Wilson at the turntable. Select your answer using the arrows buttons or type directly. Choose adventure mode to play as a Chuggington charer! With help button, answer button, volume and brightness adjustment. Requires 3 AA batteries. \r
Sells for US$35 at Amazon here: \r
A Chuggington unboxing, demo and review by Keiths Toy Box.\r
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Heres Chuggington Trains in other languages: Trenes Chuggington, Trains Chuggington, Chuggington Züge, treni Chuggington, kereta Chuggington, pociągi Chuggington, Chuggington tog, trens Chuggington, チャギントン列車, chuggington列車, Chuggington поезда, traenacha chuggington, Tøfferud\r
A toy review by Keiths Toy Box where you can enjoy kid-friendly videos for babies, infants, toddlers, pre-school and primary school children. Watch unboxing, exciting demos, in slow motion, and time lapse, and play with these tried and tested toys from Hot Wheels, Thomas, Chuggington, Mega Bloks, Lego, Duplo, to Takara, Tomy, Tomica, Plarail, Disney Toys, Pixar Disney Cars, and Sesame Street! Great toy reviews for toy collectors young and old alike